A Comprehensive Guide to ADO Programming with Python32

ADO (Active Data Objects) is a Microsoft technology that provides a set of COM objects for accessing and manipulating data sources. It is widely used in Windows-based applications to interact with databases, and can be integrated with Python using the adodbapi module.

Installing the adodbapi Module

Before you can use ADO with Python, you need to install the adodbapi module. This can be done using pip:```
pip install adodbapi

Connecting to a Data Source

To connect to a data source using ADO, you first need to create a connection object. The following code shows how to connect to a Microsoft Access database:```python
import adodbapi
# Create a connection object
conn = ("Provider=.4.0;Data Source=")
# Open a cursor
cursor = ()
# Execute a query
("SELECT * FROM mytable")
# Fetch the results
rows = ()
# Close the cursor and connection

Executing Queries

Once you have a connection object, you can use it to execute queries. The execute() method takes a SQL statement as its argument and returns a cursor object that can be used to fetch the results.

The following code shows how to execute a query that retrieves all the rows from the mytable table:```python
import adodbapi
# Create a connection object
conn = ("Provider=.4.0;Data Source=")
# Open a cursor
cursor = ()
# Execute a query
("SELECT * FROM mytable")
# Fetch the results
rows = ()
# Print the results
for row in rows:
# Close the cursor and connection

Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data

In addition to executing queries, you can also use ADO to insert, update, and delete data. The following code shows how to insert a new row into the mytable table:```python
import adodbapi
# Create a connection object
conn = ("Provider=.4.0;Data Source=")
# Open a cursor
cursor = ()
# Insert a new row
("INSERT INTO mytable (name, age) VALUES (?, ?)", ("John", 30))
# Commit the changes
# Close the cursor and connection


When executing queries or inserting data, you can use parameters to prevent SQL injection attacks. Parameters are placeholders that are replaced with the actual values at runtime.

The following code shows how to use parameters to insert a new row into the mytable table:```python
import adodbapi
# Create a connection object
conn = ("Provider=.4.0;Data Source=")
# Open a cursor
cursor = ()
# Insert a new row
("INSERT INTO mytable (name, age) VALUES (?, ?)", (("name"), ("age")))
# Set the parameter values
[0].value = "John"
[1].value = 30
# Commit the changes
# Close the cursor and connection


Transactions are used to group together multiple operations that must either all succeed or all fail. ADO supports transactions using the BeginTrans(), CommitTrans(), and RollbackTrans() methods.

The following code shows how to use transactions to insert two new rows into the mytable table:```python
import adodbapi
# Create a connection object
conn = ("Provider=.4.0;Data Source=")
# Open a cursor
cursor = ()
# Begin a transaction
# Insert a new row
("INSERT INTO mytable (name, age) VALUES (?, ?)", ("John", 30))
# Insert another new row
("INSERT INTO mytable (name, age) VALUES (?, ?)", ("Mary", 25))
# Commit the changes
# Close the cursor and connection


ADO is a powerful technology that can be used to access and manipulate data sources from Python. The adodbapi module makes it easy to connect to data sources, execute queries, and insert, update, and delete data.

This article has provided a comprehensive overview of ADO programming with Python. For more information, please refer to the following resources:


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